Want to Do Research?
I will not be admitting students in the upcoming admissions cycle. If interested in applying to the Ph.D. program (to start Fall 2024), check the UMSI website. Applications are typically due by December 1st.
Master's or Undergraduate
I am not currently hiring master's or undergraduate students to work on research
Currently working with:
Postdoctoral Researchers
Novia Nurain
Pronouns: she/her
Interests: aging, health, resilience, social support, personal informatics, conversational technologies
Ph.D. Students
Rahaf Alharbi
Pronouns: she/her
Program: Ph.D. in Information
Interests: disability studies, accessibility, privacy, HCI
Sam Ankenbauer
Pronouns: he/him
Interests: HCI, STS, information ecologies, accessibility
John Rudnik
Interests: political (and moral) economy of longevity & technology, old age and inequality, STS
Master's and Undergraduate Students
Sharadhi Raghuraj
Program: M.S. Information
Interests: HCI, accessibility, ubiquitous computing
Mingyi Li
Program: B.S. in Computer Science and Cognitive Science
Interests: HCI, accessibility, aging, computational design
Anandita Aggarwal
Program: M.S in Information
Pronouns: she/her
Interest: accessibility, HCI, social media/online communities
Luke Kudryashov
Program: M.S in Information
Interests: Disability studies, digital accessibility, HCI
Gina Spelman
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Program: M.S. in Information
Interests: HCI, UX design + research, visual communication, information architecture, interaction design
Lauren Trimble
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Program: M.S in Information
Interests: equitable information systems, accessible voting
Kerry Lee
Pronouns: he/him
Program: B.S. in Economics, Pre-Med
Interests: life sciences, technology

Pooja Upadhyay
Pronouns: she/her
Interests: HCI, search, information systems
Yeshashree Prasanna
Pronouns: she/her
Program: M.S. Information
Interests: HCI, voice assistant design, privacy